Funding and Fees

CSU Concordia / About Us / Funding and Fees

Each member of the CSU, which means each undergraduate student, pays the following fees to the CSU:
General Operations: 1.79$ per credit
Non-Academic Clubs: 0.25$ per credit
Student Space, Accessible Education & Legal Contingency Fund: 1.00$ per credit
Advocacy Center: 0.21$ per credit
Housing and Job Bank: 0.20$ per credit
Legal Information Clinic: 0.17$ per credit
TOTAL: 3.62$ per credit

All fees above are used for the general operation of the CSU (including the operation of the Advocacy Center, LIC, and HOJO), CSU Clubs, and the financing of CSU projects (ie: Reggie’s ongoing renovations or renovations that allowed the establishment of the Hive Cafe on both campuses).

The CSU’s daily expenses are available upon request to all members at the reception of the SGW campus (H-711). Members can also meet with the VP Finance in person if they wish to discuss CSU finances.